ÅhusTurf Hybrid grass

ÅhusTurf Hybrid grass is the temporary name of our product portfolio. Since 2012 it has had the name CoverLawn® and now in 2023 we are changing the name.

ÅhusTurf Hybrid grass is a unique hybrid grass product that, together with natural grass, forms a very strong and durable combination. Our hybrid grass is constructed with a very strong polyester underside into which every polyethylene/polypropylene piles of grass is knitted, forming a reinforcement. This reinforcement protects the root system of the grass, while the piles protect the crown and wear surface. The design of ÅhusTurf Hybrid grass means that the piles of natural grass can grow through it unhindered, both up and down. The properties of the grass, together with the pattern in the reinforcement, stimulate the integration between the grass and the hybrid. After a few days there is a visible change, with the natural grass taking over, and full integration is achieved after 6-8 weeks. You can check the status of the integration by pulling on the hybrid grass. If it’s firmly attached to the ground, the process is complete. The process occurs at different speeds depending on the growth processes. At this point, the hybrid grass is no longer visible, only the natural grass.

When exposed to mechanical loads from animals, people, vehicles etc., the piles of natural grass are worn away first, revealing the soil and ultimately the roots of the grass. Here, our Hybrid grass prevents this from happening, so that the roots have space to establish themselves and give out new shoots without impact from above.

The hybrid grass drains 100%, meaning that it also provides complete ventilation. The grass is available in different piles heights from 12 to 60 mm. The piles of grass are non-slip treated and UV protected.

Use areas

Sport: Golf, football, rugby, cricket pitches, parks, embankments, shaded areas, paths, courtyards etc.

Schools: Slides, embankments, schoolyards, pitches, shortcuts, under play equipment etc.

Fall protection: Where fall protection is a requirement, ÅhusTurf Hybrid grass is capable to provide fall protection of up to 2.4 meters. The installation is important and thus is required to be performed by authorized personell.

General: Paths, all grass surfaces subject to wear, information boards, courtyards, erosion protection etc.

Decoration: Patios, balconies, entrances, traffic islands, central reservations etc.

Temporary: Concerts, weddings, exhibitions, fairs, competitions etc.

Care and maintenance

Hybrid grass should be maintained just like the grass surface you want. Aeration is carried out with solid pins. Once a year, you should brush the hybrid grass so that the plastic grass piles are visible. This is done to prevent a new root system from forming above the old one.

Installation options

  • The hybrid grass is laid directly on the surface requiring reinforcement, and anchored with the pins included.
  • The hybrid grass can also be laid on a seedbed and anchored with the pins included.
  • The hybrid grass can also be rolled out, ready-integrated, like a normal roll of turf.
  • For hybrid grass on areas >1000 m2, other techniques can be used.

The installation pins are degradable and 130 mm in length.


Since 2013, our Hybrid grass has been installed for hundreds of satisfied customers throughout Europe.

We develop our products on an annual basis to:

Provide as environmentally friendly products as possible.

Offer the highest quality to the best price.

Adapt our products to the different growing conditions in Europe.